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β†’β€ŽThe script: Python formatting for the for loops.
# Make ID.
ID500 = []
for f in flist500: ID500.append("500_"+f.split(".in_sparky")[0])
# Then read.
# Make ID.
ID500rep = []
for f in flist500rep: ID500rep.append("500_"+f.split(".in.bis_sparky")[0]+'b')
# Then read.
# Make ID.
ID800 = []
for f in flist800: ID800.append("800_"+f.split(".in_sparky")[0])
# Then read.
# Make ID.
ID800rep = []
for f in flist800rep: ID800rep.append("800_"+f.split(".in.bis_sparky")[0]+'b')
# Then read.
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