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User:Troels Emtekær Linnet

1,269 bytes added, 21:49, 26 November 2015
<source lang="bash">
cat $HOME/.ssh/
# On a mac, one can copy directly to the the clipboard of the computer
cat $HOME/.ssh/ | pbcopy
# On linux
</source> Then create a project at** Click at the project, and click then on the '''settings''' wrench.* Under the info box '''Project control''', there is a button to '''>_ SSH into your project...'''* Then click on the link to '''~/.ssh/authorized_keys, '''* In the next window, paste in the line from before of '''cat $HOME/.ssh/ | xclip '''* Save and close the tab of '''~/.ssh/authorized_keys, '''.* Click again on the '''settings''' wrench.* Again under the info box '''Project control''', there is a button to '''>_ SSH into your project...'''* Here comes the '''USER@HOST''' info you need It could look like this: 79688471c8704aa2b7b0be59d626e9cf@compute2-selection  From you own terminal at your computer, try<source lang="bash">ssh</source> To make things easier, you can but this in your SSH config file<source lang="bash"> cat <<EOF >> $HOME/.ssh/config Host sageUser $SAGEUSERHostName $SAGEHOSTCompression yesForwardX11 yesPort 22EOF cat $HOME/.ssh/config</source> Then try the connection<source lang="bash">ssh sage

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