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Relax 3.3.1

16 bytes added, 15:23, 15 December 2015
→‎Changes: Internal links for Dasha and Modelfree4.
* Added the [ Relax_disp.test_show_apod_rmsd_dir_to_files system test] to the blacklist. This is if the showApod program is not installed on the machine and allows the test suite to pass.
* Extended the printout for the skipped tests in the test suite. As tests using the NMRPipe showApod software are skipped and listed in this table, the text now includes 'software' in the list.
* Shifted the checks for the [[Dasha ]] and [[Modelfree4 ]] software into the system test __init__() method. This is to bring this into the same design as the relaxation dispersion tests which require the NMRPipe showApod software. Now the test suite will list either [[Dasha ]] or [[Modelfree4 ]] in the skipped test table if they are not installed.
* Adding another statistic method to plot for multi-data sets. [ Task #7826: Write a Python class for the repeated analysis of dispersion data].
* More adding of matplotlib snippets for plotting intermediate data. [ Task #7826: Write a Python class for the repeated analysis of dispersion data].
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