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Anaconda linux mac

3,795 bytes added, 06:43, 8 September 2017
Created page with "== Install on Redhat 7.3 or mac == We will install relax on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 7.3<br> It should work for similar linux systems. We will assume, tha..."
== Install on Redhat 7.3 or mac ==
We will install relax on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 7.3<br>
It should work for similar linux systems.

We will assume, that you do not have any sudo privileges to add rpm-packages.<br>
Or, that you would like to make a standalone system.

Therefore, we need to be able to install a local version of python.<br>
We will use anaconda for this.

Get anaconda python
# Head to:
# Chose the minimal installer: Python 2.7, 64-bit (bash installer)

Start installation of anaconda
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# Go to download
cd $HOME/Downloads
# Make installer executable
chmod +x

Add anaconda to your PATH
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cd $HOME
touch .cshrc
echo '# Anaconda' >>.cshrc
echo 'set path = (${HOME}/miniconda2/bin $path)' >> .cshrc

If you are using mac and BASH, then in $HOME/.bash_profile it should be:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# added by Anaconda2 4.4.0 installer
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda2/bin:$PATH"

Open a new terminal, to let the change take effect.

=== Install dependencies ===
Install wxpython
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# Does not work yet! Version 4:
#conda install -c conda-forge wxpython
# Version 3:
conda install -c anaconda wxpython

# Check version
python -c "import wx;print wx.__version__"

Install numpy. September 2017, there was a problem with numpy. Therefore this selection of version
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
conda install -c anaconda numpy=1.12.1

# Check version
python -c "import numpy;print numpy.__version__"

Install scipy and matplotlib
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
conda install -c anaconda scipy

# Check version
python -c "import scipy;print scipy.__version__"

conda install -c anaconda matplotlib

# Check version
python -c "import matplotlib;print matplotlib.__version__"

Install [[Bmrblib]]
#In tcsh: set v={{current version bmrblib}}
#In bash: v={{current version bmrblib}}
set v={{current version bmrblib}}

cd $HOME/Downloads
tar -xzf bmrblib-$v.tar.gz
rm bmrblib-$v.tar.gz
cd bmrblib-$v
pip install .
cd ..
python -c "import bmrblib;print bmrblib.__version__, bmrblib.__file__"

Install [[Minfx]]
#In tcsh: set v={{current version minfx}}
#In bash: v={{current version minfx}}
set v={{current version minfx}}

cd $HOME/Downloads
tar -xzf minfx-$v.tar.gz
rm minfx-$v.tar.gz
cd minfx-$v
pip install .
cd ..
python -c "import minfx;print minfx.__version__, minfx.__file__"

Install scons
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
conda install -c anaconda scons
Restart terminal, to make scons available

=== Install relax ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
cd $HOME/Downloads

# Clone relax
git clone nmr-relax-code
cd nmr-relax-code

# Build

# Test installation

# See version and package details
./relax -i
# Run unittest
./relax -u
# Try open GUI
./relax -g
# Run system tests
./relax -s --time
# Run GUI tests
./relax --gui-tests --time

Make a alias to relax
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
echo '# nmr-relax' >> ${HOME}/.cshrc
echo "alias relax ${PWD}/relax" >> ${HOME}/.cshrc
Restart terminal to take effect

== See also ==
Trusted, Bureaucrats


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