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Tutorial for model free SBiNLab

1,360 bytes added, 09:49, 15 October 2017
** AIC model selection is used to select the models for each spin.
** All model-free and diffusion parameters are allowed to vary and a global optimisation of all parameters is carried out.
'''Model III - 'prolate''''<br>
The methods used are identical to those of diffusion model MII, except that an axially symmetric diffusion tensor with Da >= 0 is used. The base directory containing all the results is './prolate/'.
'''Model IV -'oblate''''<br>
The methods used are identical to those of diffusion model MII, except that an axially symmetric diffusion tensor with Da <= 0 is used. The base directory containing all the results is './oblate/'.
'''Model V - 'ellipsoid''''<br>
The methods used are identical to those of diffusion model MII, except that a fully anisotropic diffusion tensor is used (also known as rhombic or asymmetric diffusion). The base directory is './ellipsoid/'
Once all the diffusion models have converged, the final run can be executed. This is done by setting the variable diff_model to 'final'. This consists of two steps, diffusion tensor model selection, and Monte Carlo simulations. Firstly AIC model selection is used to select between the diffusion tensor models. Monte Carlo simulations are then run solely on this selected diffusion model. Minimisation of the model is bypassed as it is assumed that the model is already fully optimised (if this is not the case the final run is not yet appropriate).
The final black-box model-free results will be placed in the file 'final/results'.
== See also ==
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