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Relax release announcements

354 bytes removed, 19:29, 21 February 2019
Rewrite for the migration from the shut down Gna! infrastructure to SourceForge.
{{lowercase title}}
If you would like to receive announcements about new relax versions, please subscribe to the relax-announce mailing list using the [https://mail.gnasourceforge.orgnet/listinfoprojects/nmr-relax/lists/nmr-announce/ relax-announce info pagesubscribe to the relax announcement mailing list]. This list only receives ~10 emails per year. It is archived at Gmane (the [http thread], [http:net/p/ blog], [nntp:// NNTP], [http://rss.gmane.orgmailman/messages/excerpts/ RSS]), in the [ local SourceForge archives], and in [ The Mail Archive], and in the [ MARC (Mailing list ARChives)].
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