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Relax 1.3.16

16 bytes removed, 22:13, 5 October 2020
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This is mainly a documentation release. The [ relax user manual] has been significantly updated - changes include the expansion and completion of the [ model-free analysis chapter], addition of graphical user interface (GUI) screenshots and descriptions, a description of [{{gna link| |text=Gary Thompson's] }} [ multi-processor framework], and general updates and improvements throughout. For those who install relax using the scons 'install' target, the pyc and pyo files are now properly created for faster startup. The Bruker Protein Dynamics Centre user function class 'pdc' has been renamed to 'bruker' because of Bruker's absorption of the PDC into the Bruker Dynamics Centre. These user functions, as well as the BMRB user functions, have been added to the menu system in the GUI. Finally a test suite bug triggered in the Fink relax installation has been eliminated. If you would like improved documentation or would like to use any of the other changes, please update to this version.
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* Renamed the 'pdc' user function class to [ 'bruker'] and removed all references to 'protein' - this is due to the Bruker absorption of the Protein Dynamics Centre into the Bruker Dynamics Centre announced at (Message-id: <>) by Dr. Klaus-Peter Neidig (peter dott neidig att bruker-biospin dott de).
* Updates and improvements throughout the [ relax user manual].
* Added a new section to the introduction chapter of the user manual for [{{gna link| |text=Gary Thompson's] }} [ multi-processor framework].
* Added screenshots and descriptions of the graphical user interface (GUI) to the introduction and all of the analysis chapters of the relax user manual.
* The GUI and logging/teeing modes are now compatible with each other.
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