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Relax 2.2.4

24 bytes removed, 21:06, 16 October 2020
→‎Changes: Switch to the {{minfx homepage}} and {{bmrblib homepage}} templates to remove dead Gna! links.
<section begin=changes/>
* Updated the release checklist document to include the correct instructions for minfx and bmrblib. These are the packages bundled with relax ({{minfx/ homepage}} and{{bmrblib/homepage}})
* Improvements for Python 2 and 3 compatibility. Much of the Python 2 verses 3 compatibility, as well as different Python 2 version compatibility and different Python 3 version compatibility, code has been shifted into the compat module. The different parts of relax now import from the compat module for modules/packages with different import semantics for different Python versions. In addition the different handling of the bz2 and gzip module for reading and writing files has been shifted from 'relax_io' into 'compat'.
* Updated the 2to3 checklist document to include multiple threads for faster operation.
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