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Hidden radian units

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where <math alt="theta(t)">\theta(t)</math> and <math alt="phi(t)">\phi(t)</math> are the time dependent spherical angles in the dimensionless radian units. The time t is normal time and hence has no hidden radian units. Spherical harmonics are the angular portion of the solution to Laplace's equationand, and I would assume that because it is angular, it is using the radian angular SI unit.  
== Rotational correlation times ==
My opinion here is that the The rotational correlation time is adescriptor of the change of angles - and these angles are in thehiddenidden, dimensionless radian units. Hence the correlation time ismeasured in s/rad or in the hidden supplementary unit notation simplys. But I prefer it is better to think of the concept as the diffusion rate, ameasure of the rate of rotational Brownian diffusion.
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