Installation windows Python x86-32 Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop

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Download preparation

This guide should follow Homepage for MS Windows development platform

First: Download these packages, do not unpack them yet.

  1. (.exe): wxPython:
  2. (.exe): scons:
  3. (.zip): minfx:
  4. (.zip): bmrblib:

take amd64 versions if you have a computer with 64 bit.

Install python and necessary packages

I recommend to install a python distribution which is packed with several packages already.


You could consider winpython, which includes Ipython, numpy, scipy. matplotlib etc.:

Make a folder: C:\WinPython27.
Run the downloaded winpython exe file, and extract to: C:\WinPython27.
Open WinPython Control Panel in ex. C:\WinPython27\WinPython-64bit-
Drag the 4 above mentioned packakes, into the window, and install the packages.
For a command window, use the WinPython Command Prompt found in C:\WinPython27\WinPython-64bit-, which fixes path issues for finding python.

Install isual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop

See versions of VS 2012 here.
Take 32 bit compiling, since a horrible imprecision bug has been reported for 64 bit building. See bug #20821.

For 32 bit compiling, you will only need, Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop.
From, download and install: Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop.
Skip all extra packages install. After install, just exit any program, which opened after install.

Bugfix scons for 32bit building

Due to a bug, versions of scons <=2.3 should alter a line in:

Line 364:

if not req_target_platform and target_platform in ('amd64','x86_64'):

Should be:

if target_platform in ('amd64','x86_64'):

Install Subversion checkout of relax

Install a subversion client. For example:

Right click in winpython folder: C:\WinPython27, and select SVN Checkout. Write the path:


Build relax

Open the WinPython Command Prompt
Navigate to the SVN checked out relax folder

cd C:\WinPython27\relax_disp

(Scons will automatically find CL.exe, and setup compilation for 64 bit.)

Modify env.bat

Modify C:\WinPython27\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\env.bat, and add to end of file

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\WinPython27\relax_disp

Test installation, by clicking C:\WinPython27\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\cmd.bat, and write

relax -g

Tip - shortcut to cmd.bat

Make shortcut to C:\WinPython27\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\cmd.bat, and modify the shortcut. Set

Start in: %PWD%

You can now copy this shortcut around, which open a command prompt at the current folder, and set the paths correctly.

Tip - add env.bat to windows path

If you have permission to change the Environment Variables in windows, you can add the env.bat to your path.
Right click Computer -> properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables -> User variables -> Edit: PATH
Add to end of the Variable value:


In any folder, hold "Shift" and right click, "Open command window here". Write:

relax -g

Install other software

xmgrace - for the plotting results of NMR-relax

relax produces xmgrace "'.agr" files for plotting. There exist two ports for xmgrace to windows QtGrace and GraceGTK.
Download QtGrace, and unpack to C:\WinPython27\qtgrace_windows_binary.
Then copy C:\WinPython27\qtgrace_windows_binary\bin\qtgrace.exe to C:\WinPython27\qtgrace_windows_binary\bin\xmgrace.exe

Modify C:\WinPython27\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\env.bat, and add to end of file

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\WinPython27\qtgrace_windows_binary\bin

Test installation, by clicking C:\WinPython27\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\cmd.bat, and write


which should start xmgrace.

Trouble shooting

See also