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relax version 3.3.9
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Keywords N-state model, relaxation dispersion
Release type Minor feature
Release date 30 September 2015

The PDF version of the relax 3.3.9 user manual The relax 3.3.9 user manual


This is a minor feature release with improvements to the automatic relaxation dispersion protocol for repeated CPMG data, support for Monte Carlo or Bootstrap simulating RDC and PCS Q factors, a huge speedup of Monte Carlo simulations in the N-state model analysis, and geometric mean and standard deviation functions added to the relax library.


The new relax versions can be downloaded from If binary distributions are not yet available for your platform and you manage to compile the binary modules, please consider contributing these to the relax project (described in section 3.6 of the relax manual,


Version 3.3.9
(30 September 2015, from /trunk)


  • Improvements to the automatic relaxation dispersion protocol for repeated CPMG data.
  • Support for Monte Carlo or Bootstrap simulating the RDC and PCS Q factors.
  • Huge speedup of Monte Carlo simulations in the N-state model analysis.
  • Geometric mean and standard deviation functions added to the relax library.




For reference, the announcement for this release can also be found at following links:

Softpedia also has information about the newest relax releases:


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See also