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Installation windows Python x86-32 minGW

16 bytes added, 14:02, 20 June 2013
=== Trick to set variables in cmd ===
Make a folder '''own''' in '''C:\WinPython27\WinPython-32bit-2.7.x\scripts''' and <br>
copy '''C:\WinPython27\WinPython-32bit-2.7.x\scripts\env.bat''' to '''C:\WinPython27\WinPython-32bit-2.7.x\scripts\own\pyt32pytming.bat'''<br>and copy '''C:\WinPython27\WinPython-32bit-2.7.x\scripts\cmd.bat''' to '''C:\WinPython27\WinPython-32bit-2.7.x\scripts\own\cmdpyt32cmdpytming.bat'''<br>
Modify '''pyt32pytming.bat''' from
<source lang="python">
set WINPYDIR=%~dp0..\python-2.7.5
Modify '''cmdpyt32cmdpytming.bat''' from
<source lang="python">
call %~dp0env.bat
<source lang="python">
call %~dp0pyt32dp0pytming.bat
=== Trick to add .bat files to PATH ===
If you have permission to change the Environment Variables in windows, you can add the '''pyt32pytming.bat''' and '''cmdpyt32cmdpytming.bat''' to your path.<br>
Right click Computer -> properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables -> User variables -> Edit: PATH <br>
Add to end of the Variable value:
In any folder, hold "Shift" and right click, "Open command window here". Write:
<source lang="powershell">