* The [http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/value_read.html value.read function] contained a bug where the residue number from the file was not being read. Instead the integer position within the file was being used as the residue number.
* The model-free spectral density function 'calc_S2f_S2s_ts_djw_dS2s' does not exist. Therefore when using the model with the parameters {''S<sub>f</sub><sup>2</sup>''{{:S2f}}, ''S<sub>s</sub><sup>2</sup>''{{:S2s}}, ''τ<sub>s</sub>''{{:tau_s}}}, the program would throw an error and stop. The function is actually [http://www.nmr-relax.com/api/1.2/maths_fns.jw_mf-module.html#calc_S2f_tf_S2s_ts_djw_dS2s calc_S2f_tf_S2s_ts_djw_dS2s]. The factor 'data.s2f_s2' also had to be calculated in [http://www.nmr-relax.com/api/1.2/maths_fns.jw_mf_comps-module.html maths_fns/jw_mf_comps.py].
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