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Matplotlib DPL94 R1rho R2eff

14 bytes added, 10:47, 16 March 2014
Ref [2], Equation 27.
Here the calculated value is noted as: R_eff$R_{eff}$. : Equation 27:
$$ R_{eff} = R_{1\rho} / sin^2(\theta) - R_1 / tan^2(\theta) = R^{0}_2 + R_{ex} $$
Where $R^{0}_2$ refers to $R_{1\rho '}$ as seen at [[DPL94]]
Ref [3], Equation 20.
Here the calculated value is noted as: $R_2$: $R_2 = R1rho R{1_\rho} / sin^2(\theta)- R_1 / tan^2(\theta)$
Figure 11+16, would be the reference.
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