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Relax 3.1.1

21 bytes added, 16:09, 5 September 2014
= Description =
This is a major feature and bugfix release which adds support for [ reading 3D structures of organic molecules from Gaussian log files], the new lib.periodic_table and lib.nmr modules, the [[NS MMQ 3-site linear]], [[NS MMQ 3-site]], [[NS R1rho 3-site linear]], and [[NS R1rho 3-site]] [[:Category:relaxation dispersion|relaxation dispersion]] models, R1rho dispersion data sets where multiple offsets and multiple spin-lock fields have been collected for each spin, the loading of spins directly from peak lists, and the [ reading of NMRPipe seriesTab files]. Due to the improvements and the bugs fixed in the relaxation dispersion analysis, all users are recommended to upgrade to this version.  
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