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Welcome to the relax Wiki.
The community-run support site for relax, a program for the study of molecular dynamics using experimental NMR data.
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What's new?

News & Updates
Version 5 of relax. The latest relax release now supports the new versions of wxPython (Phoenix), giving relax a more modern GUI.
Migration to SourceForge After the Gna! shutdown at the start of 2017, relax has finally in 2019 been fully migrated to the SourceForge infrastructure.
Gna! is permanently shut down! A migration to another open source infrastructure is planned. This will include web hosting for, source code repositories, bug and other trackers, new reports, download pages, and possible a svn to git conversion.
Tutorial added Tutorial for sorting data stored as numpy to on-resonance R1rho analysis
Version 4 of relax With the latest relax release merging in years of developments in the frame order analysis, the major number has been incremented to relax 4.
Tutorial added Tutorial for manual regarding the relaxation dispersion auto-analysis in the GUI
Tutorial added Tutorial for R1/R2 Relaxation curve-fitting analysis on varian recorded as fid interleaved
Matplotlib example added Matplotlib example
Tutorial added Relaxation dispersion analysis R1_rho recorded on varian
Tutorial added Relaxation dispersion analysis cpmg fixed time recorded on varian as fid interleaved
Tutorial added Adding relaxation dispersion models to relax
wiki namespace changed The wiki is now placed at: as of 19 of July 2013
GPL License The License has been changed to GPL v3.
New Wiki This is the new wiki
Did you know...


The Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing platform that can be used for cheaply running relax on a cluster.


This follows the same idea as from Run relax at

Make a rapid deployment of relax on a google computer cluster, and calculate for 2 months with 8 CPU's, for free.


For this example of Google Cloud Computing, we wan't to have access to as many computer cores as possible

At November 2015, google give free trial of 300$.

Note, there are some limitations:

Random screenshots
relax starting interface
The analysis selection wizard
Steady-state NOE analysis
R1 analysis
R2 analysis
Model-free analysis
The relax controller
Spin viewer window
Results viewer window
Pipe editor window
relax prompt window
About GUI screen
About relax screen