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NS R1rho 2-site

707 bytes added, 11:08, 5 March 2014
=== Essentials ===
It is essential to read in $R_{1}$ values before starting a calculation:
<source lang="python">'R1', ri_type='R1', frq=cdp.spectrometer_frq_list[0], file='R1_values.txt', mol_name_col=1, res_num_col=2, res_name_col=3, spin_num_col=4, spin_name_col=5, data_col=6, error_col=7)
Where the data could be stored like
<source lang="text">
# mol_name res_num res_name spin_num spin_name value error
None 13 L None N 1.323940 0.146870
None 15 R None N 1.344280 0.140560
None 16 T None N 1.715140 0.136510
== Parameters ==
Trusted, Bureaucrats


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