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Relax disp.spin lock offset+field

363 bytes added, 14:30, 16 March 2014
Then the Rotating frame tilt angle $\theta$ is calculated.<br>$\theta = \atan{\frac{\omega_1}{\bar{\Omega}_{S,i}}}
<source lang="python">if Delta_omega == The trouble ===0.0:The trouble is theta[ei][si][mi][oi].append(pi / 2.0) Does # Calculate the theta angle describing the Hz frequency refers tilted rotating frame relative to RF fields applied at the 1H Larmor frequency or 15N frequency?laboratory. At page 1708 # If Delta_omega is states negative, there follow the symmetry of atan, that w_1S atan(-x) = w_1 and w_eS - atan(x).# Then it should be: theta = w_epi + atan(-x) = pi - atan(x) = pi - abs(atan( +/- x))elif omega1 / Delta_omega > 0 : theta[ei][si][mi][oi].append(atan(omega1 / Delta_omega))And in pulse sequence it states thatelse: theta[ei][si][mi][oi].append(pi + atan(omega1 / Delta_omega))</source>
== Code reference calculations in relax ==
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