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→‎Tutorial: Formatting improvements.
== Tutorial ==
This follows the setup for test data in the Manual
We run relax repeatedly, to execute code. Then we write new code in the script, and run again.
<source lang="bash">relax</source>
When we are satisfied, one can then do like this.
Start relax
<source lang="bash">relax -g -t log.txt</source> 
Then do
User functions -> Script ->
Then a quick click on spin.isotope function, and GO.
=== The script === {{collapsible script| type = Python script| title = The ===script.<source | lang="python">| script =#python Python modules.
import os
import glob
from time import asctime, localtime
# relax modules.
from import sort_filenames
# Set path to data.
data = '/sbinlab2/tlinnet/software/NMR-relax/relax_trunk/test_suite/shared_data/dispersion/Hansen'
# Do for 500.
# Change directory.
os.chdir(data + os.sep + '500_MHz')
# Get the file list, and sort the file list Alphanumericalphanumeric.
flist500 = glob.glob('*.in_sparky')
flist500 = sort_filenames(filenames=flist500)
# Make ID.
ID500 = []
for f in flist500: ID500.append("500_"+f.split(".in_sparky")[0])
# Then Readread.
spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist500, spectrum_id=ID500)
flist500rep = sort_filenames(filenames=flist500rep)
# Make ID.
ID500rep = []
for f in flist500rep: ID500rep.append("500_"+f.split(".in.bis_sparky")[0]+'b')
# Then Readread.
spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist500rep, spectrum_id=ID500rep)
# Then map replicated.
for b_id in ID500rep:
a_id = b_id[:-1]
spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=[a_id, b_id])
# Then check.print (cdp.replicates)
# Then repeat for 800.
# Change directory.
os.chdir(data + os.sep + '800_MHz')
# Get the file list, and sort the file list Alphanumericalphanumeric.
flist800 = glob.glob('*.in_sparky')
flist800 = sort_filenames(filenames=flist800)
# Make ID.
ID800 = []
for f in flist800: ID800.append("800_"+f.split(".in_sparky")[0])
# Then Readread.
spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist800, spectrum_id=ID800)
flist800rep = sort_filenames(filenames=flist800rep)
# Make ID.
ID800rep = []
for f in flist800rep: ID800rep.append("800_"+f.split(".in.bis_sparky")[0]+'b')
# Then Readread.
spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist800rep, spectrum_id=ID800rep)
# Then map replicated.
for b_id in ID800rep:
a_id = b_id[:-1]
spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=[a_id, b_id])
# Then check.print (cdp.replicates################################################)print ("%s %s %s %s" % (len(ID500), len(ID500rep), len(ID800), len(ID800rep)))
# Then set spectrum properties.
all_ID = ID500 + ID500rep + ID800 + ID800rep
for cur_id in all_ID:
# Split from name.
sfrq_str, vcpmg_str = cur_id.split("_")
vcpmg = float(vcpmg_str.split("b")[0])
print ("%s %s %s" % (cur_id, sfrq_str, vcpmg))
# Set the current experiment type.
# Set the relaxation dispersion CPMG frequencies.
relax_disp.cpmg_setup(spectrum_id=cur_id, cpmg_frq=vcpmg)
== Inspect results ==
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